GCIS News & Events

Cambridge Training On International Effective Education

GCIS was fortunate to once again host a wide range of workshops of Cambridge International Effective Pedagogy Series. The two-day workshop for educators from Cambridge institutions based in India took place on April 3rd and 4th. The trainers for the various courses were Lin Whyte (Effective Questioning and Metacognition), Eric Squires (Understanding Impact) and Fleur Mc Lennan (Inclusive Classroom- Differentiated Learning). The purpose of all the trainings was to focus on the common trends that enable teachers to develop strategies that achieve impact beyond the school.

The trainees were challenged on how to measure the impact of their work including the different methods used and how to make the best use of the information gathered. Also, a number of different pedagogical approaches have been presented as being helpful for teachers working with students in inclusive learning environments. Without effective pedagogy we have no operative method of education and, without purposeful and effective inclusive pedagogy, we have no basis for meaningful inclusion. Everyone explored inclusive pedagogical approaches that may be useful and that have been shown to be adaptable regardless of context.


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