Cambridge Head’s Message

Vandana Tandon

Vandana Tandon

Head – Cambridge Curriculum

Education is one of the greatest adventures to embark upon; wherein the wonders of first-time discoveries, and experiences, of the new learners are nurtured, to stimulate them into creative community builders who are ready to take on the changes and challenges of the 21st century successfully.

At Global City International School, the children are the life and core of the school, as the aim is to provide an exemplary educational experience that assimilates a global perspective through the Cambridge Assessment International Education curriculum. We are responsible for inspiring and moulding the dreams of our learners as they enhance their academic skills, spent in the safe environs of the school.

The welcoming and motivating environment, together with the dynamics of the teaching team consisting of qualified and experienced professionals, passionate in their fields of expertise, as well as the progress of each student; coupled with the extra-curricular activities, makes us unique in the landscape of schools at the regional level. The ethos that has taken years to build is palpable as soon as you enter the school, and even a casual visitor cannot help but be drawn to the warmth and care that seem to exude from every corner of the premises. The one-of-a-kind, beautiful campus has a profoundly positive impact on the lives and personalities of the students.

In all our endeavours, the students are encouraged to communicate in a meaningful way and adopt an innovative way of thinking through inquiry and research-based learning. Tasks assigned must be integrated with real-life situations and a link is further built among different subjects. Students are sensitized on various social aspects to help them grow to become responsible citizens. They are offered opportunities to ask questions, examine possibilities and apply skills learned to find a solution to a given situation.

We leave no stone unturned, in channelizing the energies of the students to additionally, discern attributes such as; integrity, leadership, adaptability, resilience, and true compassion. This holistic development makes them well-grounded and adaptable individuals.

Not only do the students demonstrate excellent academic progress and achievement, but also the Certification awarded at the end of each stage of education, has both National and International recognition. It is a proud moment for us, as our Graduates are accepted at the top universities in India and globally year after year.

We are passionate about creating a learning space that is dynamic and constantly strive for excellence to meet the needs of the present as well as the future; while keeping students enrooted to the moral value systems of our country. Every student is unique, and it is our endeavour to discover the genius in each of the learners we have the privilege to teach, honing their individual talents and supporting them to be the best that they can be.

We realize that we will not be able to do this without you, the parents, who form an integral part of the school and are valuable stakeholders in our collective success. We see you as our collaborators, our supporters, and our most constructive reviewers.

It is our privilege to be educators and we value that privilege earnestly.