GCIS News & Events

Isa Activity – Climate Action – Blog2 – Declaration Of Climate Summit


Thanks to young activists like 17year old Great Thunberg, the youth have made their voices heard in the alleys of government offices, across the world!

While national leaders need to play their part in putting an end to this madness, As responsible youth in the society, the students of Global City International School, Bangalore have come up with the following declaration for our institution. This shall provide the foundation for action going forward and a baseline for monitoring progress at our school.

The workshop conducted by Mr. Vivek Vashisht, founder Imbue Education, on the topic of ‘Climate Action’ as part of our ISA project gave us wonderful insight on the topic and created awareness on the critical need to address this issue and how each one of us can make a difference.


  1. Decreasing energy use in our institution by 20% by proposing and implementing energy efficient solutions to management
  2. Reduce the amount of materials we use and waste we produce, re–use materials wherever possible, restore what is deemed to have been destroyed and respect our neighbors and our environment.

       3.Work towards meeting the goal of a green cover of 33% in the school 


  1. Create Awareness – More learning and less activism will be our policy.Host periodic school seminars and competitions on climate change
  2. GCIS Eco Club – Make Eco Club members in our school, champions of driving the climate change message and guardians of implementation of actions identified in this declaration
  3. Reducing school’s carbon footprint

      a) Transportation Model – monitor current pattern of mode of transport and encourage higher adoption of bicycle,  car pool or walking              to school.

     b) Waste Reduction

  1. Composting–Implement wet waste compositing in school premises
  2. Litter-free lunches – incentivize classes which have litter free lunches
  3. Eliminating bottled water – for all school functions, staff and students
  4. Reduce Paper consumption (no, we are not going to do away with exams!!)
  5. Conduct Waste Reduction– Week periodically

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