Dr. Sumer Singh – Advisor For Gcis

We welcome Dr. Sumer Singh to the GCIS Family!

Dr. Sumer Singh is a visionary educationalist who has over the past decades shaped key educational initiatives across the country and influenced international educators across Europe and Asia.

Dr. Singh’s quest in enabling Global Citizenship begins with the intent of using education as a key part of setting the basis for learning the nuances of a world without borders and embracing the diversity of regional cultures.

In this quest Dr. Singh’s leadership was heralded by several schools and organizations of international repute and he had served as:

  • Director, Asian School, Deharadun
  • Board Member, Lawrence School, Lovedale, Ooty
  • Director and Principal of Daly College, Indore
  • Member G-20 (USA)
  • Executive Member and Trustee of Round Square, UK
  • Advisor (Education), Government of Punjab
  • Principal, Lawrence School, Himachal Pradesh

Dr. Singh’s continuing passion in changing education delivery models and bringing them to current relevance in a world driven by scientific, engineering and Information Technology revolutions continues unabated.

Dr. Singh is involved with leaders in the educational areas who will drive the future:

  • Advisor, Global City International School, Bangalore
  • Board Member, Mayo College and Mayo girls school, Rajasthan
  • Board Member, AFS India (USA)
  • Member, World Leading Schools Association, Netherlands
  • Partner ICU2, Paris
  • Member, Indian Public Schools Society (Doon School)
  • Advisor, Sanskaar Valley School, (Dainik Bhaskar Group)
  • Advisor, Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior

GCIS and Dr. Sumer Singh will work together to further accelerate our journey of providing truly world class education.

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