Address: 135, 5th Main, 6th Cross, Malleshpalya, New Thippasandra Post, Near C V Raman Nagar, Bangalore – 560075
Phone: 080-2534 9188 / 080-2534 9199 / +91 9900 016 742

Inclusive education fosters discipline, clarity thought, decision-making ability and social responsibility.
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Global City International School community.
GCIS imparts international education embedded with local & global values.
Our “state-of-the-art” campus provides a caring and conducive environment for all. It is my firm belief that inclusive education fosters discipline, clarity thought, decision-making ability and social responsibility, which are keys to human enrichment. We believe that every child has an inherent talent, which needs to be nurtured. Our highly motivated facilitators leave no stone unturned to ensure the holistic growth of students.
We believe that our future global citizens need to be equipped with the 21st century skills to create a healthy and positive society, which believes in oneness. We strive to narrow the gaps of cultural and linguistic divides by celebrating a whole variety of the events and festivals.
Eventually students will learn to appreciate the difference in thoughts and opinions of others. We seek parents’ co-operation and support at all times to achieve our vision and mission.
GCIS believes in imparting holistic education through its highly motivated facilitators.
GCIS believes in imparting holistic education through its highly motivated facilitators. Our infrastructure provides a stimulating environment and empowers teachers to execute student friendly pedagogy. We emphasise all the members of the community to be life-long learners. Our Continuous Professional Development program ensures that all teachers update their skills frequently and deliver engaging lessons.
Think Global and Act Local approach in learning allows our students to develop an international mindedness. They have a better understanding and appreciation of each other and also the complexity of our world.
We believe that schools play a pivotal role in creating role model citizens for future societies. All the stakeholders need to support each other to achieve GCIS vision.
Address: 135, 5th Main, 6th Cross, Malleshpalya, New Thippasandra Post, Near C V Raman Nagar, Bangalore – 560075
Phone: 080-2534 9188 / 080-2534 9199 / +91 9900 016 742